The Norwich NRC Modern Media Committee hosted an informational evening titled “Own the Problem.”

After opening by Rev. Hakvoort, Jonathan Van Maren gave some thought-provoking information and questions for parents to consider. Then, a teacher gave his perspective on interacting with teens and observing the effects technology has on them. He also demonstrated a few popular social media apps to show parents what kind of content their children are likely to be presented with. At the end of the presentation, there was a group discussion on some questions provided by the committee, as well as time for audience questions.

History is not interesting in the light of the omnipresent tyranny of the present on these devices. The King James version of the Bible becomes harder and harder to read and understand. Religious books, even very simple ones, lose their attraction in the roar of social media and becomes way more difficult for people to process.

Note: The section of the presentation from 1:01 to 1:04 contains a sobering demonstration of some popular social media apps and shows how inappropriate content is quickly put before first-time users even when they are not looking for it. The content in this section contained offensive language and lifestyle that is common in these apps. Minor editing was applied to remove foul language and sensual images.